Why You Should Spend (More) Money On an Explainer Video

Why you should spend (more) money on an explainer video

When it comes to explainer videos, opting for the cheapest option often means hidden fees and lower quality. In the online marketplace, you can get an explainer video for as little as $500 (as seen on 30 Second Explainer Videos), but the market price for a high-quality 60-second video is around $16,000 (according to Demo Duck).

At our company, we offer competitive rates below the market price while maintaining, if not exceeding, the quality of higher-priced options. Sound unbelievable? Give us a try. If you’re not completely satisfied with our work, we’ll provide a full refund.

Businesses commonly invest $10,000-$35,000 on websites and $1,500-$5,000 monthly on SEO. Still not attracting enough clients? It could be because your website looks outdated or lacks visual appeal, driving potential customers away. Or maybe you’re not being found because of inadequate SEO investment. Remember, stopping your SEO efforts can undo all your progress.

Now, consider this: you pay an employee $80,000 per year. An explainer video costs just a tenth of that amount. Consider the expense of your sales team and the time they spend repeatedly explaining your products or services. Explainer videos save time for everyone and help filter out prospects who aren't a good fit. The ideal prospects, already familiar with your services, can then be effectively targeted by your sales team. With our videos, you make a one-time investment that saves significant time and effort. Our videos function as your 24/7/365 salesperson, providing lasting benefits year after year.

Quality Takes Time

Creating a 1-2 minute explainer video involves hundreds of hours of work. At Apex Explainer Videos, we dedicate significant time to understanding your company, industry, and developing the right concept, messaging, and story. This foundation is crucial for producing a high-quality video.

The production phase includes design, voiceovers, and animation, each a critical component of the whole. These elements require time and resources to execute properly. Rushing through on a tight budget won’t deliver the results you need. Quality takes time and investment.

Save Money Long Term

Investing in a high-quality explainer video from the start can save you money in the long run. Many clients come to us after trying to cut costs initially, only to realize they need to invest more to get the job done right. It's like paying $10 for a haircut and then spending $50 to fix it—except we’re talking about tens of thousands of dollars.

Choosing the right video partner, even if it costs more initially, can save you time, money, and headaches down the line.

It’s the Face of Your Company

Your explainer video should clearly and compellingly explain your company, product, or service. It will likely be featured prominently on your homepage, shared by sales reps, and screened at conferences and trade shows. This makes it one of the first impressions potential customers have of your business.

Ensure your video accurately represents your brand, reflects the quality of your products or services, and uses your company’s voice. A poorly executed video can turn potential customers away.

Longer Shelf Life

When investing in an explainer video, you want it to last. There's nothing worse than spending thousands of dollars on a video that becomes irrelevant or ineffective after a few months. A timeless explainer video should communicate your core message and unique selling proposition in a way that stands the test of time.

The visuals should be clear and clean, supporting the message without distractions. We have clients still using their explainer videos after five years, which is impressive in a world where companies redesign their websites every three years.

Differentiation & Customization

With hundreds of explainer video companies and thousands of videos produced every year, you need something that sets you apart. Avoid industry clichés and generic characters. Instead, invest in a custom video that is unique and memorable, aligning perfectly with your branding.

It’s About the Little Things

The details matter. Music selection, sound design, and art direction are often the elements that make a good video great. Investing in the right music track, talent, or location can make all the difference in creating a standout video.

You Need a Long-Term Partner

Working with a video partner who understands your company, industry, messaging, and visual style can be invaluable. Spending more on an explainer video often means you’re hiring a team with the experience and capabilities to help you develop a long-term video strategy. As your video needs grow, leveraging this existing knowledge can help you create consistent and effective video content.

Whether you’re considering investing in an explainer video or need to convince your boss to increase the budget, the benefits of spending a little more are clear. If you’d like to discuss a project or get an estimate, get in touch with Apex Explainer Videos!

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